Thank you to all my local & distant friends and family for your likes, comments and good wishes.
Thank you also for coming to my shows in person or in spirit.. means a lot to me!!! 2019 was another great year to enjoy the wonders of Nature and the pleasure of friendship. Above ^ was my fav image from 2019, so thought it fitting to use as my New Years greeting. (It just won out over a few of the 30K hummingbird photos by a fraction :D ) Mom Osprey on her nest watching the full moon... Liquid Moonlight I am so looking forward to the upcoming year and decade,,,, Hope you are as well. All the very best and Happy New Year TerryV
To Dig This Gardening in Sidney yesterday and over the past few weekends. Thank you as well for your patience hearing me go on and on about brirds and photography... I do hope you check in to the blog once in a while to see whats new... Today inbetween visits with friends, I took and hour and shot a few hundred frames at one of my fav duck ponds. More to come as I have time to edit! Cheers and all the very best... TerryV A beautiful female Ringneck Duck! Male Scaup (Lessor) v & ^ Male Ringneck Duck above ^ Male Wood Duck below v 25 % off all images tomorrow at Dig This Gardening ,
plus literally everything in the store will be sale priced 9813 3rd street Sidney I'll be there between 10 and 5 tomorrow Hope to see you there ... cheers ... TerryV Wishing all my friends and acquaintances a Very Happy Christmas and all the very best in 2020.
Thank you ever so much for your support via likes , comments or discussion ... It is my great pleasure to share images of nature with you! Cheers and may you be blessed with goodness! TerryV (This photo from today just before noon of a very co-operative male Anna's Hummingbird sitting on a Wisteria branch off the deck!) Dig This Gardening in Sidney BC is 1 lovely little shop and I am pleased to be able to show my canvas images there! Thank you to the good people who own the store and the terrific staff!
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *