Ohh boy ... Whats for breakfast, Mom??? That was awesome, Mom .. Can you get us another 1 or 2 of those??
Teaching his Eagle sibling to fly! On June 23 2017 Little Eagle fledged from his nest and spent the night in a nearby tree. I managed to find him there the morning of the 24th and caught him heading back to the nest. Took some time and several flights but in order to get fed, Little Eagle needed to return to the nest. The young eagles were totally amazed by him and watched everything he did. Over the next weeks, Little Eagle gained strength and confidence with his flying abilities so he would come and go as adults arrived with food, then after a meal he was off to explore the surrounding area.
Greetings to everyone! I want to thank you all for watching my blog and appreciating nature ... everything surrounding it is so very key to our existence. I appreciate that you take time to click on this page to see what I have found , photographed and posted. Some days I shoot 500- 800 images and save just a handful to post here. I feel very blessed to be able to photograph these creatures. Sending out Happy Solstice Blessings to one and all.. All the very best TerryV 12 slides in presentation above * The young swallows moved off the branch to various spots like this sandy bank where regular food drops were made. The light today was amazing! Happy Solstice ...
Mom attends to feeding both babies every few minutes. Above the kid who left the nest yesterday sits 25 feet above the nest and waits for fast food delivery. Below the second kid still in the nest gets fast food right to her door(Thanks Mom!) *** NOTE .. no sound on these videos. I haven't yet worked out internal camera noise which wrecks the audio. Also I have to record the 4K video from my screen using my phone to make files small enough to download here. Have hit the wall using uTube .. does not work for me now :(
*12 slides in the above presentation * I was fortunate late last evening to watch the Barred owlets fly to the ground and scavenge for morsels. This is the second time I have seen them on the forest floor , but first of my images. While the owlets were roaming about, Momma popped in with a rather large vole and the lucky "kid" on the right got dinner (Much to the chagrin of its sibling) *** Note high ISO and slow shutter speed makes for rather artsy-blurred shots but thought it was too neat of an event not to share. also ... We are still searching for Mr bungee wrapped owl This lucky owlet moved to several different locations before gulping down the vole and through the trees and branches I tried to follow the action. ***** This unfortunate owl in N Saanich has become entangled into some sort of cord. If anyone sees this bird could you please email me asap on his whereabouts. The raptor rescue team will come out and capture the bird and free him from entanglements Thanks in advance for any leads .,... contact [email protected] We think the bungee cord may well be wrapped around his neck and the end as you can see is hanging off the right wing ***
A big thank you to the very nice person with the small fuzzy white dog for spotting this Owl and guiding me to him! Very appreciated! No other owls spotted today but I did think I heard the youngsters briefly!
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *