Brewers Blackbirds which are quite a numerous resident around farms and ponds in N Saanich gather here on a wire in a flock of hundreds.. Here are 7, shot just about sunset. I must admit that I am unsure if this group of birds are Lessor Yellowlegs, but if not could someone please send me a note with an ID. These images were shot well after sunset at a slow shutter speed and high ISO, but felt they are such lovely long legged creatures and worthy to post. They feed in shallow ponds on quite a variety of insect species. This is yet another bird that is migrating South to various places as far as South America. Birds are incredible! Late evening flight of Canada Geese heading towards Pat Bay
What a busy weekend at the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific! ... The staff and Volunteers there are world class helpful, kind and just the nicest folks! Thank you for all the help and guidance this past weekend... And thank you to all my friends who dropped in to say hello! Hope to see you there next Summer, too!
Next Weekend .. August 25 & 26th .. come visit! .. booth number 24 *** NaturalImagesCanada!15/8/2018 A few slow shutter speed images taken in the hazy morning light of Mr Anna's who is quite relaxed now because most of the migrant Rufous have left... Ahhh .. the solitude! I'm amazed to still see a young Rufous Hummingbird on August 10th Here is one of my resident male Annas .. singing his heart out this morning! The Merlin
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *