In the photo above you will see a Red Squirrel watching a Douglas Fir pinecone falling. This little furry character is in the process of dropping the cones then gathering them up into various middens where they will ripen and become the winter and spring food supply. This is the first time I have photographed the event, but I have for years watched the squirrels doing this work. In the slide show below there are many images all shot September 24th in my yard in North Saanich. These little native Red Squirrels have been nearly wiped out save for a few pockets around S Vancouver Island. The invasive Eastern Grey Squirrels have taken their toll as has forest destruction locally. Thanks for looking and taking the time to appreciate nature ... TerryV
Its always a treat to hear from folks who enjoy the images I post, but a rare occurrence, so today I want to say thank you to the person who did just that today! According to the stats I see on my web account, there are only 5 or 6 people checking the blog so at times I wonder if its worthwhile..... But your lovely note today from the Chicago area made my day! Thanks so much! Hope you have a sweet week ahead... TerryV The 2 photos above of a Kingfisher ... Love these chattery fishing catchers, but they are generally very shy of my camera and refuse to allow me a close up.. Both these photos are heavily cropped and taken from a distance using 600mm setup. This beautiful Marsh Hawk (actually Northern Harrier) flew right over my head as I was watching the other direction towards the Kingfisher :))) so I completely missed the close flying shots and the bird was a good distance away before I managed to get this one.
A short hike last evening just before sunset netted this find .. A gorgeous SharpShinned Hawk perched and watching for dinner ... Was a treat to see and photograph! (North Saanich BC)
Momma Osprey looked a bit nervous last evening ... Any moment now she will begin her migration South to an unknown destination (to me) in South America! Baby or should I say juvenile songbirds and ducks were abundant, like these young Cedar Waxwings and Goldfinches above.
(Hooded Mergansers below) |
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *