Just before dark the yard tends to buzz with activity. This evening I observed 6 male Anna's Hummingbirds and 1 female. (Not a single Rufous was seen, so possibly the ones I have been seeing over the last few days are migrating Northward) The images below were shot at ISO 5000 f5.6 at 1/80th second beteeen 7:10 and 7:25PM
Though only 1/2 the size of a golf ball, a Hummingbird nest may be tiny but it is oh so cleverly constructed. (They use spider webs, moss and a variety of plant materials to weave these tiny structures into rearing headquarters for their incredibly small offspring) ) Today I observed these tiny Anna's Hummingbirds once again gathering fuzz from local cattails to put into their nests. I do wish I could find one and watch the building procedure, but alas, far too many hiding spots. Perhaps one day, but for now I will be content to capture their images in more obvious places!
A special day for me as a drive through the country turned into an epic "Battle of Titans"
Eagles are such enormous and incredibly agile birds of prey! For an hour or so this morning I watched around 7 Bald Eagles battle over the spoils of some less fortunate creature. Other hungry birds also joined in... Crafty Ravens made there way into the frenzy , while Turkey Vultures circled. Nature always amazes... *** A special hello to the local family who stopped by to visit as I was taking photos... It's always a treat for me to see people so interested in nature. You folks are very blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Thanks again for stopping... Cheer's... TerryV It always amazes me as to the speed and dexterity of these tiny creatures. These Anna's Hummingbird females zoom in to gather nest building material, tug and jostle , then zip off into the unknown with their prize. I likely spent 2 hours waiting for shots today and though I did shoot quite a few, most of my attempts ended up without of focus images or completely missed chances because I just could not lock a focus before they were gone!
Over the past couple weeks I have been busy printing on canvas for a showing of my latest images in Sidney @ Alexanders Coffee Bar 2385 Beacon Ave!
The images will be on display (and for sale) for 2 weeks beginning today, March 4th! I am very excited to be entirely producing my own canvas prints from start to finish in sizes varying from 10x10 inches to 16x20! Hope you will come out to see samples of my photography and enjoy a coffee and one of Sandy's most excellent baked goodies! The above 3 images might fall into the category of .. you had to be there to get it, but from a very long distance I shot images of a Peregrine Falcon chasing off a Bald Eagle . This was another long distance shot, but a Drake Pintail Duck surveying a landing site made in interesting subject! Definitely a Spring Thing .. tree loaded with RWBB's (Red Winged Black Birds)
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *