I stopped by Pat Bay this afternoon between errands and took some photos on a gorgeous November afternoon!!! Buffleheads, Greater Scaup, and Common Goldeneye were the most prevalent species!!!
Today and Wednesday morning visit to a local farm where the geese are thick as fleas, the swans grace the skies and Bella n Rocco rule! Well.. not these hardy Kite Boarders! Let me tell you... today was a classic windy rain soaked crazy day on S Vancouver Island! I braved the elements to get a few "weather" images for The Weather Network and Island View Beach disn't disappoint.
Some of these crazzies even ventured out in bare feet ...... It was a blustery 8 degrees C , but I'm sure the usual rugged souls were out today in short pants and sandals! These guys are obviously impervious to the cold as well.... but I did overhear one participant ask for the warmest seat in Tonelli's Deli this afternoon. Sheesh, I got chilled just watching!!! I drove from Calgary to the W Coast yesterday and my first encounter with wildlife happened just at daybreak outside Canmore Alberta. The scene beside the highway was surreal as a newly frozen lake became a path for a huge coyote. From the sheer dimensions, I thought wolf, but after viewing my hastily attempted photos, I thought Coyote. Maybe a cross? This big canine spotted me stopped and observing , so made a retreat back to the shoreline.... It was all over in an instant before I could properly manage my camera settings... Ohhh dear! :(
This beautiful boy is 11 months old and his name is Rufus! He is a gentle and fun filled Wheaten Terrier... An absolute joy to keep company with. Here are some images showing his first snow outing since he was a baby. Looks like he enjoyed himself!!!! woof woof! Terry :) Some WhiteTail Deer that put on a show for me in the Bragg Creek area of Alberta on November 2nd! Beautiful creatures!!!!
As I left Saskatchewan on Nov 1st, I spied about 40 + antelope along the highway ... I spent over an hour stalking and trying to get some decent images, but it was mid day and with no filters for my 300mm lens, this images are not great. That said, I always enjoy the chance to observe these interesting creatures! Some interesting clouds appeared as I drove just past Gleitchen Alberta! There was rain and s;leet coming down but the sky was just too beautiful to keep driving!!!!
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *