While I was shooting this scene this morning and holding my breath that the owl didn't grab one of my little red squirrels, there was another red to the right barking away along with a chorus of birds warning Danger Danger Danger! even the hummingbirds were confronting the Owl danger and sounding the alarm! Slide show above are a few highlights from last evening (May 29th) The fading light made for tricky shooting but well worth the effort. A pair of Barred Owls arrived and one was vocalizing some unusual lyrics. Below.. the fuzzy photo shot at high iso and very low shutter speed happened a second or 2 before this Owl zoomed across the top of my camera and so close to my head that I felt its wings touch my hair .. but absolutely silent. I was blessed by these Owls and they gave me another chance this morning to capture their images. Have a blessed Sunday ... TerryV (Thank you for looking)
Last evening I had a sudden urge to pop over to the Heron colony with my camera. Whan I arrived I noticed a small hunkered down shape (looked rather like a rabbit) by the side of the road but it looked very odd. I assembled my camera gear and as I ventured over towards the nests, the wee creature on the ground raised its head and waddled around... Good gosh!!! A baby Heron had fallen out of a nest... I began calling for help and getting suggestions as I was not sure what to do. Suddenly some very dear folks came by who live nearby and told me they knew someone who had rescued animals/birds before and ran to get them. God bless them ... The baby Heron was picked up and taken to a local vet, then after it is checked over I think will end up in a care shelter. Thanks to everyone involved for your help. Meanwhile back up in the trees, life was going on as ever and below are some photos I shot last evening .... Thank you for looking and checking my site. Means ever so much to me! TerryV Above ... One of the remaining 3 Heron chicks peers over the nest edge , perhaps to see what happened to its fallen sibling. Slide show above showing some scenes from the nest overhead right after the rescue. One of the adult Herons takes a short break after a feeding to soak up a few golden rays of evening sunlight
Found 2 owls but the photo ops were pretty scarce .... After breakfast nap (above) While on the quest to find Owls this morning myself and my favourite family watched an interesting event.
An immature Bald Eagle cruised overhead carrying breakfast and after a couple hops through the forest canopy appeared right above me. As I clicked a few quick images I heard a pair of Ravens giving their protective war cry which startled the young Eagle. As they swiftly approached, the Eagle decided to bug out and when crashing through the tight treetops dropped his prize (fresh fish breakfast) This happened so quickly I hadn't seen the fish fall but heard something crash to the ground. My companions swore the fish had fallen but since it could not be found we just couldn't confirm... But the pictures tell the tale! (see the 5 or 6 in the slide show above) Thanks again to my fav people for guiding me once again to a magical realm where nature and beauty abounds. I so appreciate wandering and seeing through your eyes! * Also was nice to meet a few kind souls along the trails ... Hope you found my blog! Woof woof to Molly the beautiful Boxer! cheers.... TerryV The 2 slides above are a preview to a very neat little video I too showing this Owl having a splash in the creek! (watch this space for it) Cheers and have a great day... TerryV |
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *