It was an epic evening 2 years ago, when I shot a sequence of photos at the nest of Little Eagle in Sidney BC. Thank you for looking and thanks to everyone for all those great times at the nest... Cheers ... TerryV The "almost" full moon last evening got me out and about, but the timing of the moonrise and sunset wasn't quite where I would have liked it. It was super dark by the time the moon got high enough in the sky to illuminate the Osprey nest. Not the best for photos but it was really neat to see and also get eaten by bugs! :D Hope you have a wonderful week!... TerryV watch for an Osprey series on the blog later today! Shift Change at the Nest This image was captured on June 20th 2017, and shows Little Eagle with his Dad! I saw such an amazing relationship and bond between these two and among the entire family!
Happy Fathers Day! 6 images above were all shot freehand in very bright late afternoon light. The plants are Salvia (Hot Lips) and Vermillionaire (the orange tubes) Both much loved by these tiny creatures! #MichellValleyPlants
Thank you to the Robert Bateman Centre for hosting Plumage: The Majestic Art of Birds show. What a terrific gallery and staff. I very much appreciate being able to show my photography there over the past 3 months! About the same time as the Rufous Hummingbirds arrive, nest and then head out on their journey back to S Mexico for the winter.
These visits leave us with pleasant memories and inspiration! |
September 2024
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *