I enjoyed a treat today on the beach. A juvenile Bald Eagle posed for me and several beachcombers and it was truly fantastic to see! Thanks to those who stopped to chat! A pair of Crows harassed this young Eagle who was completely annoyed at them and of course I missed the best shots :( Bird in focus is a baby (male) Pileated Woodpecker as seen here today with his dad! Local Blacktail Deer (Doe and fawn) Young Rufous Hummingbird (male) enjoying the Salvia nectar Female Rufous Hummingbird from early this morning Female Anna's Hummingbird (Tiny bird on a wire)
Female Pileated Woodpecker scans her next stop just before taking flight. She arrived with a single baby who was on the far side of this old stump.
Nuthatch in a classic upside down pose! Have a great weekend! 2 poses , same Hummingbird. Notice when the light angle is just right, the gorget feathers light up like LED's. This is known as "iridescence"
Bee Hind Today I would like to give a giant Shout Out to Sandy Shams who has Alexanders Coffee ...2385 Beacon Ave W, in Sidney. Sandy has once again invited me to display my nature photography in her lovely little cafe! Please come into Alexanders and enjoy a delightful snack and yummy beverage. I'll be popping in from time to to time to do just that!
Have a great week... TerryV Vancouver Island Blacktail doe with 2 fawns (North Saanich, BC July 4 2019)
Something that likely happens 1000 times a day around the yard is interactions between Hummingbirds, yet it is extremely rare for me to click an image with 2 birds in focus. Here we have a female Rufous on the left in flight and a male Annas on the right. WoW! Lovely filtered light today makes for slow shutter speeds, but lovely colour tones! |
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *