Greetings Everyone! This coming weekend, I will be joining 2 amazing artists at the Tullista Park (Sidney) Community Arts Centre gallery where we will be showing our latest works! ***Pauline Olesen .. with her beautiful glass creations ***Dawna McGowan showing her amazing acrylic abstracts Please come out and say hello on Saturday June 4th and Sunday June 5th 11:00 - 4:00 ish I am very excited to be launching my new line of Natural Images greeting Cards , also exhibiting a number of new prints (both on metal and paper) and even a couple just completed jewellery pieces! One is a wonderful red opal in a carved 14k / Platinum setting. :) Hope to see you there ... The address is 9565 5th Street in Sidney (just off Lockside on the water) All the best Terry click button above will direct you to map and tour brochure!
The set below all taken from the deck using the small red flowers to lure in the tiny buzz bombs! The last 4 photos were taken just after 8 this morning in very low light at ISO 8000 and wide open aperture of 2.8 . I hope you enjoy them! :) Terry ... Weighing in at 3 or 4 grams.. he may be small in size, but Sir Rufous is a GIANT in his domain! I was away early this morning in a light rain .. Off to enjoy the first of the season's Smallmouth Bass fishing.
Well.. the fishing was great, but the catching was slow..... And the lily pads and lake flowers were in their Spring glory! (Note to self.. go back soon and get more photos) :) All the best for a fine long weekend... Terry The photo above shows where I was sitting to take the photos below ... I was using my tripod and 600mm lens (combo) I was trying to take some hummingbird photos when this little red squirrel popped into view for about 3 seconds!!!
Peek!! click!! :)) Out late this afternoon looking for a photo op and spotted this young Eagle way up in an old snag. I set up my camera with the 300mm + 1.4 teleconverter and tripod. This bird gave me lots of time for photos, but just before he/she decided to leave, I was playing with the focus screen and thereby had the wrong settings for the flight... I got a few in focus, but should have been much better. One has to be super familiar with their camera in order to catch the best it can deliver....
I do love the tones and textures on this creature ... What do you think?? Happy Mother's Day to all you dedicated Moms out there! Terry A pair of nesting Osprey .. flew past me and checked me out! This beautiful Red Wing Black Bird bubbled away in a small tree right above me. A pair of mature Bald Eagles flew over a bunch of geese and they took off and flew close past me.
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *