This shot is dedicated to the nice person I met there today who said she is quite close to someone who is an avid Birder!!! Was a treat chatting with you ... TerryV The slide show sequence below happened in a far tree in the woods above Magic Pond. A male Wood Duck (interloper) decided to make moves on the lovely Mizz Wood Duck by flying in and landing right beside her... This action did not sit well with Mr Wood Duck who sprung into action and pushed off the new arrival! Quite a show! About 18 or so slides in the sequence... enjoy... TerryV
Photos below of Red Wing Black Birds may well be the last I ever take at this Central Saanich location. This was a small wetland loaded with cattails and it is quickly being filled in and eliminated by the property owner wo has a very successful shrub and nursery operation. Out goes a tiny corner of natural habitat because $$$ are more important than nature. We are seeing this happen everywhere and sadly seems no stopping "progress" :( Humans are so intelligent (cough cough) Firs baby Red Squirrel of the year and the little duffer has already had a near death experience! Life is dangerous ...
Made by some lovely local residents .. the BUSHTITS ... More images will follow as days in the future allow. Common BOYS .... lets Rumble Goosey makes a graceful exit from the bath! It was a sunny "Lets have a bath" kinda morning ... bucket bath! Good thing I'm stuck in lockdown, Jefe or you'd be just another chicken burrito buster!!! Crowd Control .. otherwise know as Jefe (the enforcer) Off on Safari (she's got a thing for Jefe) the BOSS
February 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *