Answer to people asking what birds these are... A raven was being chased by a blackbird!
Greeting to my 3 loyal followers!!! My apologies for the recent absence...I experienced a chaotic computer failure and thanks to a local computer fixit company, I am now back online!!! Fretting about this crash has not led to many photo outings but I do have some images to share. Thank you to all who expressed concern... I am very thankful to be able to bear witness to nature and capture small natural events and share with you! American Robin ... Does the return of these common yet iconic songbirds herald the onset of Spring or Fall?
These shots above taken Friday October 4th from far overhead. Turdus migratorius I stumbled on a flock (12 - 15 birds) of these beautiful thrush sized birds this week and as I observed them realized I had no idea what they were. I passed along some photos to a few birdwatching friends and thanks, Jody for identifying them as American Pipits Since first seeing them on Wednesday afternoon, I received a kind call from Lorna who advised me they were back. A big thank you! (both days they arrived same time frame late afternoon) American Pipit Anthus rubescens Generally seen waling on the ground bobbing their tails and seem to walk with a noticeable head wobble similar to a starling while searching for insects. As mentioned these birds are in migration and have come from the North where breeding occurs on the Tundra or alpine meadows above the tree line. Blue eyed Darner staring me down Very very tiny Pacific tree frogs were abundant at the pond... Thanks to Sheri and family for providing me with this location! The majority of the dozens of frogs I saw were under 1/2 inch in length Cardinal Meadowhawk Dragonfly
The image above is a young male Annas Hummingbird (1 of 4 or 5) living in my yard and all have staked out territories. Now that even the young Rufous have departed for warmer climates, life is getting back to normal for the Annas.
A mass of Gulls prepares to roost for the night. (Late evening along the C R waterfront) Seal rests atop a rock during low tide (South end Quadra Island) Resting seal gazes at Bald Eagle who is scouting for a snack along the shoreline My pal John (expedition leader) noticed several heads popping up regularly and I did my best to focus and shoot quickly before they disappeared back into the ocean. (a group of female and young Sea Lions) My pal, Eric's place is an absolute paradise for garden/flower lovers and hummingbirds too. If you have followed my blog you will recall the bushtit nest and the hummingbird nest photos back in may/June... These nests were tucked away in trees here! I believe these Annas Hummingbirds are from that nest. What better place to live than here!!! Thanks Eric for allowing me time and access to take photos and for your friendship! |
January 2025
Summer 2023.. I just received notice that my blog has been awarded a distinction of being one of the top 10 photography blogs in Canada.
* All images and content copyright Terry Venables and NaturalImagesCanada *